Sunday, February 10, 2013


She laces up her skates as she tries to settle her nerves. She has worked hard to get here to this Olympic Center in Lake Placid. The rink is full of the energy and memories of many great atlhetes and Olympians. But she is not asking for the glory of an Olympic Medal. She merely wants to skate and to qualify to skate at a higher level in a National Competition. Her coach tells her it is time to take the ice. She hears the encouragement and support of her family, and takes the ice. She stands in the center of the rink all alone with many eyes upon her. The music begins and her graceful movements take over as if she is skating on air. She smiles without losing focus. She jumps, and falls. Her family feels her disappointment, but still knows what she can do. She immediately recovers from the fall and moves forward in her program. It was an almost perfect program, in an almost perfect world. Skating is her passion.

The coach reviews with her all that she did right and that went well. Her family agrees wholeheartedly. We await the scores. She take s a Bronze medal and qualifies for the National Competition. The pressure is off and she can enjoy her other events having already met her goal.

This is the story of determination and resilience. Never Give Up!  Regardless of the falls in your life, learn to get back up and continue your journey to learn, to grow and to become a better you.

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